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The workers of the municipality of Balta Bouaouanne open the Fadiliya Road in Balta the closed by the citizens with thorns and trees in clear violation of the sanctity of the road and the right of road users to pass safety and the municipality will respond to such attacks with all legal means .

 Wednesday 22 july 2020 ; The activities of the preliminary session of the third regular session for the municipal council of the municipality of Balta bouaouanne for the year 2020 in the presence of a significant number of residents of the municipality . The dialogue was constructive and purposeful and covered all aspects of municipal work and the citizens' expectations and suggestions for

Congratulations to our people in Balata Bouaouan: procedures for handing over the deal to the contractor for the implementation of the public enlightenment network in the following villages:
Al-Samran - Abdul-Jabbar - Boulaaba - Hassan Sons - Ain Chicken - Ain Al-Hajj, funded by the municipality's own resources (300 thousand dinars) .
- اThe municipality has programmed the enlightenment of the village of Sa`idan Sons al-Shawula, al-Askari, Ghazala, and Ain al-Fudha Banu