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 Wednesday 22 july 2020 ; The activities of the preliminary session of the third regular session for the municipal council of the municipality of Balta bouaouanne for the year 2020 in the presence of a significant number of residents of the municipality . The dialogue was constructive and purposeful and covered all aspects of municipal work and the citizens' expectations and suggestions for
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Congratulations to our people in Balata Bouaouan: procedures for handing over the deal to the contractor for the implementation of the public enlightenment network in the following villages:
Al-Samran - Abdul-Jabbar - Boulaaba - Hassan Sons - Ain Chicken - Ain Al-Hajj, funded by the municipality's own resources (300 thousand dinars) .
- اThe municipality has programmed the enlightenment of the village of Sa`idan Sons al-Shawula, al-Askari, Ghazala, and Ain al-Fudha Banu
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